How to Install the ?OpenAFS Client

This documentation provides instructions for installing the ?OpenAFS client only. Documentation for installing a server belongs elsewhere.

This document is intended for users who are familiar enough with administrating their operating system of choice to not need hand holding, but unfamiliar enough with ?OpenAFS to need basic setup instructions.

Operation System specific instructions

Linux, Redhat 8

These are the steps I used to get ?OpenAFS working on a fairly standard Redhat 8 machine. These steps will also work for the other Redhat and Fedora releases since Redhat 8.

Download RPMS

Download the most current versions of these RPMS from

  • openafs (Utilities, Init scripts, and documentation)
  • openafs-client (AFS daemon, PAM modules, client configuration files)
  • openafs-kernel (AFS kernel module, for Redhat's kernel 2.4.18-14
  • openafs-krb5 (Utilities for using Kerberos 5 tickets to get AFS tokens)

You may also want:

  • openafs-compat (Populate /usr/afsws with symlinks for legacy applications/users)
  • openafs-devel (AFS libraries and include files, for building AFS aware applications)
  • openafs-kpasswd (Compatibility package for use with a KA server)
  • openafs-kernel-source (AFS kernel module source, necessary if you aren't using Redhat's kernel)

You almost certainly don't want:

  • openafs-server (AFS Server binaries)

If you don't already have Redhat's kerberos 5 RPMS installed, you may wish to download those as well. But they aren't strictly necessary, and only the openafs-krb5 package depends on them.

Install RPMS

Install those RPMS. If you don't know how to do this, then this document isn't intended for you.

Configure AFS

Follow the instructions that were output during the RPM install. In particular, edit /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell.

You will need to install ?KerberosV on your system. If you have not done so, do so now. Instructions for doing that are outside of the scope of this document.

Start AFS

Start the AFS client, by running '/etc/rc.d/init.d/afs start'

Verify that /afs/<your-cell-here> is readable.

Get AFS tokens with aklog, or translate existing kerberos tickets with aklog, and verify that you can modify files in AFS.

Once you've verified that AFS works correctly, you may want to configure AFS to start automatically, via whatever mechanism you prefer.

-- David Nolan - 29 Jul 2003

Raspberry Pi

You will need at least a 4GB card to download all the necessary software and linux kernel

Much of this is taken from

Other guides: rpi-update at

To get started: Install the latest dist and necessary tools

sudo bash
apt-get update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install gcc make git build-essential dkms

Install rpi-update and grab the latest firmware

cd rpi-update
apt-get install ca-certificates
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/rpi-update && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update

Grab latest kernel

cd /usr/src
wget -O rpi-3.2.27.tgz
tar xzf rpi-3.2.27.tgz

Grab the configs from the kernel

cd raspberrypi-linux-*
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
make oldconfig
make modules_prepare

Get the module symbol version


Make symlinks for the build system

pushd /lib/modules/`uname -r`
ln -s ${KSRC} source
ln -s ${KSRC} build
pushd /usr/src
ln -s ${KSRC} linux-`uname -r`
ln -s ${KSRC} linux

Install kerberos packages

apt-get install krb5-auth-dialog krb5-user krb5-clients libpam-ccreds libpam-krb5

Install the afs client and related modules

apt-get install  openafs-modules-dkms openafs-{client,krb5}

if it doesn't go successfuly, you can re-run it with:

dpkg-reconfigure openafs-modules-dkms

-- Joe Foley 22 Feb 2013 (Created from RU website)

Mac OS X 10.3

Some good guides into getting ?OpenAFS installed on Mac OS X 10.3 can be found at :

-- Clark Hale - 20 Jan 2005 Removed Crap, and dead link. -- Caitlyn Marko - 24 Aug 2017 Removed broken link.