
This guide shows how to build OpenAFS RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora, using the contributed RPM spec file provided with the OpenAFS source code.


Upgrade your kernel to the most recent version.

$ sudo yum update kernel
$ sudo reboot  # if updated

After rebooting (if neeed), install the kernel headers for your current kernel version.

$ sudo yum install "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"

Install the elfutils-devel package if building on RHEL 8/CentOS 8.

$ sudo yum install elfutils-devel  # if RHEL/CentOS 8

Install the packages required to build the OpenAFS source RPM.

$ sudo yum install rpm-build yum-utils make perl libtool bzip2 wget

The OpenAFS build dependencies will be installed after the source RPM file is generated in the steps below.

Building OpenAFS RPMs

Method 1: Building from source code distribution

The OpenAFS Release Team provides software releases as source code distributions. A source RPM file can easily be built from a source distribution release with the script provided in the source tree.

Download the source distribution files from Four files are provided in a release; a source tarball, a documentation tarball, release notes, and a change log.

$ VERSION=1.8.6  # for example
$ wget${VERSION}/openafs-${VERSION}-src.tar.bz2
$ wget${VERSION}/openafs-${VERSION}-doc.tar.bz2
$ wget${VERSION}/ChangeLog

Extract the script from the source tarball and then run it to generate the source RPM. The resulting source RPM will be placed in the current directory.

$ tar xf openafs-${VERSION}-src.tar.bz2 --strip-components=4 '*/'
$ perl openafs-${VERSION}-src.tar.bz2 openafs-${VERSION}-doc.tar.bz2 RELNOTES-${VERSION} ChangeLog

Install the OpenAFS build dependencies with yum-builddep. This command will retrieve the required packages from the rpm spec file inside the source RPM.

$ sudo yum-builddep openafs-${VERSION}-1.src.rpm

Finally, run rpmbuild to build the binary RPMs. The resulting RPMs will be placed in $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS.

$ rpmbuild --rebuild openafs-${VERSION}-1.src.rpm

Method 2: Building from a git checkout

This method can be used to build rpms for OpenAFS from a git checkout of a release tag or the current stable or development branch. A downside to this method is the release notes and change log provided in the OpenAFS source distribution releases are not included in the generated source RPM.

When building packages from a git checkout, be sure to always build in a clean directory. In particular be sure the 'packages' directory is absent or empty before building rpms. Also, be sure there are no uncommitted source code changes. This method will only package code which has been committed, any uncommitted changes will not be packaged.

The OpenAFS makefile includes the make srpm target to build a source RPM from a git checkout of a release or pre-release tag. As of OpenAFS version 1.9.0, the OpenAFS makefile includes the make rpm tag.

First, install the following packages needed to generate the makefile.

$ sudo yum install git make krb5-devel

Create a local git clone of the OpenAFS git repository and checkout the tag or branch to be packaged.

$ git clone git://
$ cd openafs
$ git checkout <branch-or-tag>  # e.g., openafs-stable-1_8_5, openafs-devel-1_9_x, master

Run the tool to generate the configure script, then run configure to generate the OpenAFS makefile. Make the dist and srpm targets to generate the source RPM. The resulting source RPM will be placed in the ./packages directory. (Note: The configure options given in this step are not used to generate the binaries. The actual configure options are defined in the spec file

$ ./ -q
$ ./configure --disable-kernel-module
$ make dist srpm

Install the OpenAFS build dependencies with yum-builddep. This command will retrieve the required packages from the rpm spec file inside the source RPM.

$ sudo yum-builddep ./packages/openafs-*.src.rpm

Build the binary RPMs with rpmbuild. By default, packages will be placed in $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS. See rpmbuild options below for various rpmbuild options.

$ rpmbuild --rebuild packages/openafs-*.src.rpm

The make rpm target is available as of OpenAFS 1.9.0. This target will build the source distribution, source RPM, and binary RPM files. The rpm files will be placed in the ./packages/rpmbuild/RPMS directory. If the build dependencies are already installed, the rpm files can be built with a single make rpm command after generating the Makefile.

$ ./ -q
$ ./configure --disable-kernel-module  # generate the Makefile
$ make rpm                             # create the source and binary rpm files

rpmbuild options

The OpenAFS spec file provides several options to select which packages are to be built by rpmbuild and to enable certain build-time features in the binaries. These options are specified as rpmbuild command line arguments.

The build_userspace and build_modules defines control when the kernel module packages are to be built. Userspace packages includes all of the packages except the kernel module package, including the servers and the OpenAFS client Dynamic Kernel Module System (DKMS) package. By default, both the userspace and kernel modules are built.

To build all of the packages except the OpenAFS kernel module:

$ rpmbuild \
  --rebuild \
  --define "build_userspace 1" \
  --define "build_modules 0" \

To build only the OpenAFS kernel module for the currently running kernel:

$ rpmbuild \
  --rebuild \
  --define "build_userspace 0" \
  --define "build_modules 1" \

Specify the kernvers option to build kernel modules for specific kernel versions. Install kernel-devel packages for the versions you wish to build. You may need to configure and enable the CentOS Vault "update" repositories for older kernel versions.

# Install an older kernel-devel version.
$ sudo yum install kernel-devel-uname-r == "3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64"

$ rpm -qa kernel-devel

$ rpm -i ./packages/openafs-*.src.rpm

$ rpmbuild \
  -bb \
  --define "build_userspace 0" \
  --define "build_modules 1" \
  --define "kernvers 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64" \

$ rpmbuild \
  --bb \
  --define "build_userspace 0" \
  --define "build_modules 1" \
  --define "kernvers 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64" \

Additional rpmbuild options provided by the OpenAFS spec file are:

  • --without authlibs Disable authlibs package
  • --without krb5 Disable krb5 support
  • --with bitmap-later Enable "bitmap later" support
  • --with bos-restricted Enable "bos restricted" mode
  • --with supergroups Enable "supergroups"
  • --with kauth Build the obsolete kaserver and related programs

Common errors

Avoid kernel module build errors by ensuring you have a kernel-devel package installed which matches the running kernel.

$ uname -r
$ rpm -qP kernel-devel | grep uname
kernel-devel-uname-r = 4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64

Your build may fail with the error:

+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths
ERROR   0001: file '/usr/lib64/' contains a standard rpath '/usr/lib64' in [/usr/lib64]

This check fails because the OpenAFS spec hardcoded the /usr/lib64 standard paths for some binaries. The Linux dynamic loader automatically loads shared objects from this system default path, so the path specified in the spec file is redundant.

To disable this check-rpath check, set the QA_RPATHS environment variable to 0x0001 before running rpmbuild.

$ export QA_RPATHS=0x0001
$ rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/openafs.spec

Installing OpenAFS RPMs

Installing client RPMs with the Dynamic Kernel Module System (DKMS)

The Dynamic Kernel Module System (DKMS) kernel modules take longer to install, but are automatically rebuilt after the kernel is upgraded on the target system. Unless you are maintaining, or have access to, a yum repository which tracks kernel updates and builds matching OpenAFS kernel modules for each update, you will want to use the DKMS method to install the OpenAFS kernel module.

Add the EPEL yum repository, which provides the DKMS system. Install the Kerberos5 workstation package, which provides the kinit program. Install the OpenAFS DKMS and openafs Kerberos5 support packages with yum. This will take some time as the kernel-module is built from source. Be sure to install the openafs-client and packages in a single yum install invocation.

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install make
$ sudo yum install "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
$ sudo yum install \
    krb5-workstation \
    openafs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-docs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-krb5-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-client-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \

Installing client RPMs with a pre-built kernel module (kmod)

Install the kmod which matches your currently running kernel version. Be sure to install the openafs-client and kmod-openafs packages in a single yum install invocation.

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
$ sudo yum install \
    krb5-workstation \
    openafs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-docs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-krb5-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-client-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \

Installing server RPMs

Install the server package with:

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
$ sudo yum install \
    openafs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    openafs-docs-1.8.5-1.el8.x86_64.rpm \

Advanced topics

Building RPMs with mock

Mock is a tool for building packages in a chroot. The mock chroot isolation makes it makes it easier to build a large number of kernel module versions on a single build host. In addition, mock provides a clean build environment for each build and mock will automatically install the build requirements specified by the openafs.spec file in the temporary mock chroot.

Mock also provides the ability to build RPMs for different distributions on one machine. For example, one could build RPMs targeted for CentOS 6, 7, and 8 on single CentOS 8 build host. Although it is possible to build RPMs for other distributions with mock, it not possible to build RPMs for other architectures since mock does not support cross-compiling.

Install mock and add yourself to the 'mock' group.

$ sudo yum install mock
$ sudo usermod -a -G mock $USER
$ newgrp - mock

To build OpenAFS rpms with mock, first create the OpenAFS source RPM as shown above, then run the mock commands to build the packages using the mock system.

$ mock --rebuild ./packages/openafs-*.src.rpm

Building RPMs with afsutil

afsutil is a python tool to facilitate OpenAFS development. The afsutil package command is a front-end tool for building RPMs from a git checkout, with or without mock. When used with mock, afsutil will, by default, build kernel modules for every kernel-devel version discovered in the enabled yum repositories within the mock chroot.

OpenAFS packages require a copy of the CellServDB client configuration file. afsutil package will automatically download the CellServDB version specified in the spec file from An alternate CellServDB file can be specified by url or local path with the --csdb option.

RPM packages for afsutil are available. This is the preferred installation method on CentOS. Alternatively, afsutil may be installed with pip or from source.

Method 1: Installing afsutil with yum

Create the yum configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/sna-openafs-contrib.repo:

name=Sine Nomine Associates: Contributed Extras for OpenAFS

Install afsutil with yum:

$ sudo yum install afsutil

Method 2: Installing afsutil with pip

$ sudo yum install epel-release   # if RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo yum install python2-pip    # if RHEL/CentOS 8
$ sudo yum install python-pip     # if RHEL/CentOS 7 or earlier
$ pip install --user afsutil

Method 3: Installing afsutil from source

$ git clone
$ cd afsutil
$ python  # or, python2 on RHEL/CentOS 8
$ make install-user

Building RPMs with afsutil

To build OpenAFS packages from a git checkout:

$ sudo afsutil getdeps  # Install build dependencies
$ git clone git://
$ cd openafs
$ afsutil package

The afsutil package command will build packages for the userspace and kernel modules by default. See the --build option to build these separately.

If you installed mock (see above), specify the --mock option to build the packages in the mock chroot. Mock will automatically install the build dependencies.

Build the server, client, and kernel module for the local machine with:

$ afsutil package --mock --kernel="$(uname -r)"

afsutil package --mock will query the yum repositories configured for the mock chroot to discover the kernel-devel kernel versions available. You can add local yum repositories to your mock configurations in /etc/mock/ to provide kernel-devel packages for older kernel versions.

To list kernel versions available in the mock chroot:

$ afsutil package --mock --list 2>/tmp/error

Specify the --kernel option to build a kmod for specific kernel version. This option may be given more than once to build multiple kernel modules.

$ afsutil package --mock --build=kmods --kernel=3.10.0-1062.4.3.el7

To build all kernel module versions:

$ afsutil package --mock --build=kmods

If the afsutil package command is interrupted and then restarted, builds for any already completed kmod-openafs RPMs will be skipped. Use the the --clobber option to override this and force all of the RPMs to be rebuilt.

See afsutil package --help for the available options. Default values for options may be specified in the .afsutil.cfg configuration file. See the afsutil README for more information.

See also