Every AFS file server machine must have at least one partition or logical volume dedicated to storing AFS volumes. Each server partition is mounted at a directory named /vicepxx, where xx is one or two lowercase letters. The /vicepxx directories must reside in the file server machine's root directory, not in one of its subdirectories (for example, /usr/vicepa is not an acceptable directory location). For additional information, see Performing Platform-Specific Procedures.

  1. Create a directory called /vicepxx for each AFS server partition you are configuring (there must be at least one). Repeat the command for each partition.

    # mkdir /vicepxx

  2. Add a line with the following format to the file systems registry file, /etc/fstab, for each directory just created. The entry maps the directory name to the disk partition to be mounted on it.

    /dev/disk /vicepxx ufs rw 0 2

The following is an example for the first partition being configured.

   /dev/rz3a /vicepa ufs rw 0 2
  1. Create a file system on each partition that is to be mounted at a /vicepxx directory. The following command is probably appropriate, but consult the Digital UNIX documentation for more information.

    # newfs -v /dev/disk

  2. Mount each partition by issuing either the mount -a command to mount all partitions at once or the mount command to mount each partition in turn.