
git-gerrit is command line tool for the Gerrit code review system, with an emphasis on the Gerrit legacy numerical identifiers. The heavy lifting is done with the pygerrit2 package to access the Gerrit REST API. git-gerrit is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3.


git gerrit-help              List commands.
git gerrit-query             Search gerrit.
git gerrit-fetch             Fetch by gerrit number.
git gerrit-checkout          Fetch then checkout by gerrit number.
git gerrit-log               Show oneline log with gerrit numbers.
git gerrit-unpicked          Find gerrit numbers on upstream branch not cherry picked.
git gerrit-cherry-pick       Cherry pick from upstream branch by gerrit number.
git gerrit-install-hooks     Install git hooks to create gerrit change-ids.


Install with pip::

$ pip install --user git-gerrit

To install from source, clone the git repo and install with the provided makefile. make will run pip to install the package and requirements::

$ git clone
$ cd git-gerrit
$ make install

Clone the git project under gerrit review, and in that project directory set the Gerrit host and project names in the local git configuration::

$ cd <your-gerrit-project>
$ git config <gerrit-hostname>
$ git config gerrit.project <gerrit-project>

Finally, download the git hook provided by gerrit and a git hook provided by git-gerrit::

$ git gerrit-install-hooks


Setup a local OpenAFS git repo::

$ git clone git:// # (if not already cloned)
$ cd openafs
$ git config --local
$ git config --local gerrit.project openafs
$ git gerrit-install-hooks

Find open gerrits on the master branch::

$ git gerrit-query -n3 is:open branch:master
13030 redhat: Make separate debuginfo for kmods work with recent rpm
13031 redhat: PACKAGE_VERSION macro no longer exists
13021 autoconf: update curses.m4

Find gerrits with subjects containing the term 'debuginfo'::

$ git gerrit-query -n3 debuginfo
13030 redhat: Make separate debuginfo for kmods work with recent rpm
13029 redhat: Create unique debuginfo packages for kmods
12818 redhat: separate debuginfo package for kmod rpm

Also show the branch name::

$ git gerrit-query -n3 --format='{branch:>20s} {_number} {subject}' debuginfo
              master 13030 redhat: Make separate debuginfo for kmods work with recent rpm
openafs-stable-1_6_x 13029 redhat: Create unique debuginfo packages for kmods
openafs-stable-1_6_x 12818 redhat: separate debuginfo package for kmod rpm

List the gerrit topics on a branch::

$ git gerrit-query --format='{topic}' status:open branch:master | sort -u | head -n3

Show gerrit submissions on the master branch I need to review::

$ git gerrit-query branch:master status:open NOT label:Code-Review=-2 NOT

Fetch a gerrit by number::

$ git gerrit-fetch 12977

Checkout a gerrit by number::

$ git gerrit-checkout 13000

Cherry-pick a gerrit onto the current branch::

$ git gerrit-fetch --no-branch 13001 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

Show gerrit numbers in one the checked out branch::

$ git gerrit-log -n3
12958 f47cb2d Suppress statement not reached warnings under Solaris Studio
12957 306f0f3 afs: squash empty declaration warning
12955 e006609 libafs: git ignore build artifacts on Solaris

Show gerrit numbers by a revision::

$ git gerrit-log -n3 openafs-stable-1_8_0
12953 a08327f Update NEWS for 1.8.0 final release
12938 acb0e84 afs_pioctl: avoid -Wpointer-sign
12950 b73863b LINUX: fix RedHat 7.5 ENOTDIR issues

Show gerrit numbers by a range of revisions::

$ git gerrit-log 607eba34d..origin/openafs-stable-1_8_x
13268 554176bd2 LINUX: Update to Linux struct iattr->ia_ctime to timespec64 with 4.18
13266 eb107ed5c Make OpenAFS 1.8.1
13265 8de978420 Update NEWS for 1.8.1

Show just the gerrit numbers and subjects::

$ git gerrit-log -n3 --format='{number}: {subject}'
12958: Suppress statement not reached warnings under Solaris Studio
12957: afs: squash empty declaration warning
12955: libafs: git ignore build artifacts on Solaris

Show the commits on the master branch which have not been cherry-picked on to the stable branch. (Gerrits may already exists for them.)::

$ git gerrit-unpicked -u origin/master origin/openafs-stable-1_8_x
13656 4eeed830fa31b7b8b5487ba619acbc8d30642aaa afscp: Link against opr/roken/hcrypto
13659 f5f59cd8d336b153e2b762bb7afd16e6ab1b1ee2 util: serverLog using memory after free
13665 1210a8d6d96db2d84595d35ef81ec5d176de05e8 LINUX: Run the 'sparse' checker if available

Using git aliases

Commonly used queries can be saved as git aliases. For example to show the gerrits which have not been reviewed yet::

# git gerrit-todo [<branch>] [<userid>]
gerrit-todo = "!f() { git-gerrit-query \"branch:${1-master} is:open NOT label:Code-Review>=+1,${2-$USER}\"; }; f"

Command help

Command git-gerrit-checkout::

usage: git-gerrit-checkout [-h] [--repodir REPODIR] <number>

Fetch then checkout by gerrit number.

positional arguments:
  <number>           legacy change number

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --repodir REPODIR  path to the git project directory

Command git-gerrit-cherry-pick::

usage: git-gerrit-cherry-pick [-h] [-b <branch>] <number>

Cherry pick from upstream branch by gerrit number.

positional arguments:
  <number>              legacy change number

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b <branch>, --branch <branch>
                        upstream branch (default: origin/master)

Note: A new gerrit Change-Id will be created in the cherry-picked commit.

Example usage:

    $ git gerrit-query is:merged branch:master 'fix the frobinator'
    1234 fix the frobinator

    $ git fetch origin
    $ git checkout -b fix origin/the-stable-branch

    $ git gerrit-cherry-pick 1234 -b origin/master
    [fix f378563c94] fix the frobinator
     Date: Fri Apr 4 10:27:10 2014 -0400
      2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

    $ git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/the-stable-branch

Command git-gerrit-fetch::

usage: git-gerrit-fetch [-h] [--repodir REPODIR] [--checkout] [--no-branch]

Fetch by gerrit number.

positional arguments:
  <number>           legacy change number

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --repodir REPODIR  path to the git project directory
  --checkout         checkout after fetch
  --no-branch        do not create a local branch

Command git-gerrit-help::

Commands for gerrit code review:

    git gerrit-help              List commands.
    git gerrit-query             Search gerrit.
    git gerrit-fetch             Fetch by gerrit number.
    git gerrit-checkout          Fetch then checkout by gerrit number.
    git gerrit-log               Show oneline log with gerrit numbers.
    git gerrit-unpicked          Find gerrit numbers on upstream branch not cherry picked.
    git gerrit-cherry-pick       Cherry pick from upstream branch by gerrit number.
    git gerrit-install-hooks     Install git hooks to create gerrit change-ids.

Show command details with:

    git gerrit-<command> -h

Command git-gerrit-install-hooks::

usage: git-gerrit-install-hooks [-h]

Install git hooks to create gerrit change-ids.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Command git-gerrit-log::

usage: git-gerrit-log [-h] [--repodir REPODIR] [--format FORMAT] [-n NUMBER]
                      [-r] [-l]

Show oneline log with gerrit numbers.

positional arguments:
  revision              revision range

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --repodir REPODIR     path to the git project directory
  --format FORMAT       output format (default: "{number} {hash} {subject}")
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        number of commits
  -r, --reverse         reverse order
  -l, --long-hash       show full sha1 hash

format fields: number, hash, subject

Command git-gerrit-query::

usage: git-gerrit-query [-h] [--repodir REPODIR] [-n LIMIT] [--format FORMAT]
                        [--dump] [--details]
                        <term> [<term> ...]

Search gerrit.

positional arguments:
  <term>                search term

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --repodir REPODIR     path to the git project directory
  -n LIMIT, --number LIMIT
                        limit the number of results
  --format FORMAT       output format string
  --dump                dump data
  --details             get extra details

Command git-gerrit-unpicked::

usage: git-gerrit-unpicked [-h] [-u UPSTREAM_BRANCH] downstream_branch

Find gerrit numbers on upstream branch not cherry picked.

positional arguments:
  downstream_branch     downstream branch name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        upstream branch name

See Also

See the git-review project for a more complete git/gerrit workflow tool.