Over the years, AFS has developed a rich and interesting history. This page is an attempt to document some of that history for posterity. For starters, here is a mostly incomplete timeline of important events in the history of AFS:

Date Important Event
1983 AndrewProject started at ?CarnegieMellonUniversity
1987 ?Coda research work begun (based on AFS)
1988 First use of AFS version 3
  First use of AFS outside ?CarnegieMellonUniversity
1/1988 ?InstitutionalFileSystem project at University of Michigan - ports of AFS to mainframe, intermediate servers, disconnected operation, performance/security enhancements
6/1989 ?TransarcCorporation founded to commercialize AFS
fall 1993 ?ArlaAFS project started at Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan
1998 ?TransarcCorporation becomes wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM
2000 IBM releases ?OpenAFS as OpenSource

-- Jeffrey Hutzelman - 18 Jan 2002 -- Ted Anderson - 18 Jan 2002